Problem Description :
The problem is about to find Intersection of two sets of number. We have to just find out number of common elements of two sets.
Idea 1:(Naive)
Just for every elements of set A we can find out is there any element of set B is equal to that number or not. Finally,as the problem set ,we will print the common elements in increasing order. It will take O(N*M)times where N is the number of elements of set A and M is the number of elements of set B. And finally sorting cost.
Idea 2:(Sorting A then binary search)
This approach is comparatively faster then approach 1. Here, we will sort the set A. We can do it using a O(N*logN) time algorithm where N is the number of elements of A.Then for every elements of B we will just search set A using binary search. So, searching all elements of B will takes O(M*logN) times where M is the number of elements of set B. And finally we will have to sort the final answer.
Idea 3:
We can sort both set A and B. Then we can find out the common elements easily and also as the list are already sorted we will have not to sort the final common elements.
Idea 4:(counting sort idea)
As All numbers in the input is smaller than 1000 we can solve this problem using counting sort idea.C Implementation of Idea 4.
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int ina[1002],inb[1002],cas,a,b,i,t,j,k,out[1002]; scanf("%d",&cas); while(cas){ scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); for( i = 0;i <= 1000; i++)ina[i]=inb[i]=0; for( i = 0; i < a; i++){ scanf("%d",&t); ina[t]=1; } for(i = 0; i < b;i++){ scanf("%d",&t); inb[t]=1; } j=0; for( i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) if(ina[i]&&inb[i])out[j++]=i; if(!j)printf("\n"); else { for( k = 0; k < j-1; k++)printf("%d ",out[k]); printf("%d\n",out[j-1]); } cas--; } return 0; }
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