Given a and b count the number of DePrimes xi such that axib .
Each line contains a and b in the format ``a b ". 2a5000000 . ab5000000 .
Input is terminated by a line containing `0'.
In Test Case 2, take 10. Its Prime Factors are 2 and 5. Sum of Prime Factors is 7, which is a prime. So, 10 is a DePrime.
Sample Input
2 510 21
100 120
Sample Output
C/C++ Implementation of this problem.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #define MX 5000005 #define hi 2241 long prime[MX+5]; long factor[500],n_prime,table[MX+5]; void sieve(){ long i,j; n_prime=0; memset(prime,0,sizeof(prime)); prime[0]=prime[1]=0; for(i=4;i<=MX;i+=2) prime[i]=2; table[0]=table[1]=0; table[2]=1; for(i=3;i<=MX;i++){ table[i]=table[i-1]; if(!prime[i]){ table[i]++; for(j=i+i;j<=MX;j+=i) prime[j]+=i; } else if(!prime[prime[i]]) table[i]++; } } int main(){ long a,b; sieve(); while(scanf("%ld",&a)&&a){ scanf("%ld",&b); printf("%ld\n",table[b]-table[a-1]); } return 0; }
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