Problem Link
Problem Type : Linear Search.
Difficulty Level : Easy
Author : Imdad
Briefly problem statement
Two big number <= 10^100 will be given. We have to find out how many Fibonacci numbers are in the range [a,b]. We can easily generate Fibonacci numbers up to 10^100 digits. There are not more 500 Fibonacci numbers containing less than 10^100 digits.
Here, is the c implementation of this problem.
Problem Type : Linear Search.
Difficulty Level : Easy
Author : Imdad
Briefly problem statement
Two big number <= 10^100 will be given. We have to find out how many Fibonacci numbers are in the range [a,b]. We can easily generate Fibonacci numbers up to 10^100 digits. There are not more 500 Fibonacci numbers containing less than 10^100 digits.
Here, is the c implementation of this problem.
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char fib[490][150]; void fibonacci(){ long i,ii,j,k,l,len,l1,l2,index,tmp,carry; char temp[150],ch; strcpy(fib[0],"1"); strcpy(fib[1],"2"); for(i = 2; i < 490; i++){ l1 = strlen(fib[i-2])-1; l2 = strlen(fib[i-1])-1; index = carry = 0; while(l1 >= 0){ tmp = (fib[i-2][l1]-'0') + (fib[i-1][l2]-'0') + carry; carry = tmp/10; tmp %= 10; temp[index++] = tmp+'0'; l1--; l2--; } while(l2 >= 0){ tmp = (fib[i-1][l2]-'0') + carry; carry = tmp/10; tmp %= 10; temp[index++] = tmp+'0'; l2--; } while(carry){ temp[index++] = (carry%10) + '0'; carry /= 10; } temp[index] = NULL; len = strlen(temp); //strrev(temp); long hi = len/2; for(ii = 0,j = len-1; ii < hi; ii++,j--){ ch = temp[ii]; temp[ii] = temp[j]; temp[j] = ch; } strcpy(fib[i],temp); } } int comp(char fff[],char num[]){ long l,ll,i; l = strlen(fff); ll = strlen(num); if(l != ll){ return l-ll; } for(i = 0; i < l; i++){ if(fff[i] > num[i]) return 1; else if(fff[i] < num[i]) return -1; } return 0; } int main(){ long i,j,k,l,temp,start,end,tmp; char a[150],b[150]; fibonacci(); //freopen("i.txt","r",stdin); while(scanf("%s %s",&a,&b)==2){ if(a[0] == '0' && b[0] == '0') break; for(i = 0; i < 490; i++){ start = i; break; } } for(i = 0; i < 490; i++){ tmp = comp(fib[i],b); if(tmp >= 0){ end = i; if(tmp) end--; break; } } printf("%ld\n",end-start+1); } return 0; }
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